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Monday, February 2, 2009

Vern Week Run Set For February 28th

Greetings Team Voice members, welcome to our first virtual event of the year.
We are going to start our first event by letting each team member set their own personal mileage goal. Future events, such as the ones some of you participated in last year, will have set minimum goals.

The purpose behind these events is to encourage you on toward a new personal best. Please note the word "personal." If you have not guessed by now, our fitness goals are not about out doing each other. It's about supporting each other no matter what your goal is. I find the same excitement in Jeff Hamm's one mile as I do in Bryan Ripper's WDW land speed record. Reading about, and seeing everyone meet new goals is very exciting to me. I know that other team members feel the same way.

Here's how this works. Send me an email, or post in the comments below, that you would like to be on the roster and what your distance goal is.

Now, I know some of you are coming back from or nursing some injuries. If this discribes you then feel free to bike or use an ellipticle. But please do so ONLY if you will not risk further injury.

If your not injured you should be either walking or running.

As team members sign up I will be updating the roster at the top of this page.
If the for some reason the 28th is a bad date for you, please select another date as close to that as possible.

On the day you do the challenge visit this blog again and email each other. I will update the roster with results as they come in. Be sure to visit the link to Vern days in the previous post. And on the day of your run just picture yourself in Passamaquoddy.

On word of caution. Please avoid the Herring Whips and Sea Perch Pop Ups.


  1. Jeff,
    My goal miles for this month is to reach the 15 mile mark for my long runs. Even if I have to crawl.

  2. This is a tough one for me as I'm not running right now, but plan to be back next week. So, if I don't re-injur myself then I'll shoot for an outdoor 8, no time limit as I've got at least a month of coming back up to speed I think. :-) If my foot doesn't respond then I'll do a 15 mile outdoor bike trek (as long as my bike actually works ;-)

  3. But the picture looks so good !!! {herring whip}

  4. Count me in! I'll plan to run 7 miles.

  5. Count me in too - I'm still not sure how much I can run this month but as I have a half marathon, I would like to aim for doing 11 miles by the end of the month!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am currently at 3.5 miles and want to be at 4 by the end of the month so sign me up for 4 miles at 3.4 miles an hour.

  8. Count me in for 6 miles at 12:24 minutes per hour.
