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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mid Summer Virtual 5K

In light of it's been a while since a virtual event has been set. Let's do one this Sunday. 5k Keep it simple. Just a 5k ,nothing else if you are doing a long miler on Sunday just give the time for your 5k.

That way we all are doing one together and stuff. Keep it simple and fun!!


  1. I'll see what I can do, but I have a 5K race the day before as well :).

  2. Count me in! I've got work and a rehearsal that day (I'm in a local production of Into the Woods) but I think I can work in a 5k.

  3. Not sure what I'm going to get in on Sunday, but sure it will be at least 5k :-)

    Good luck to Amanda and Rae on your events this weekend!

  4. So I did mine today instead of Sunday, since I'm going Rock Climbing Sunday and I have rehearsal for Into the Woods immediately following until the director decides we're done (or the cows come home, whichever happens first!). 31.5

  5. Finished up this morning in 39:03 - not my best effort, but I'll take it for this one :).
